Adopted by President’s Cabinet 5/22/18

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the President receives immediate notification of campus emergencies and other incidents of a serious nature. 这 notice will enable the President to respond appropriately to inquiries by family members, media and other interested persons; and will assist the President in being fully informed about the campus climate at all times:

    •  The President should receive immediate notification of campus emergencies through the procedures established in the college’s Emergency Action Plan. 校园突发事件 include, but are not limited to, weather emergencies, disruptive campus protests and demonstrations, injuries to individuals and destruction of property.
    • The President should receive immediate notification of reports of other incidents of a serious nature in the manner provided below. Incidents of a serious nature include, but are not limited to specific reports that, if proven, would result in a student’s or employee’s suspension or termination, or the existence of which, proven or not, would give the appearance of impropriety.

In all incidents covered under this policy, the President has an immediate need to know of 这一事件 and that 这一事件 is being promptly addressed by appropriate 大学工作人员. Examples of such incidents requiring immediate notification to the President include, but are not limited to, 第九条 allegations, discrimination and harassment claims, employee complaints that could result in termination, incidents involving serious physical violence or threats of serious physical violence, suicide, attempted suicide, and arrests and convictions of employees and students.

Notification to the President of reports of a serious nature should be made whenever possible by the immediate supervisor or Cabinet level supervisor of the employee involved or by the person directly responsible for supervision of the student at the time of 这一事件. When that is not feasible, the report should be made by an employee with direct knowledge about 这一事件.

    • The report should contain enough information to inform the President of the date, time and nature of 这些指控, the potential consequences for the employee, student and/or college if 这些指控 are true, and the reporter’s plan for addressing 这些指控. 
    • At periodic intervals and until the matter is resolved, the immediate supervisor should update the President on the status of the matter. 
    • 这 notification of the President should be made in a manner reasonably determined to be most likely to reach the President immediately under the circumstances. 这 includes calling the President’s assistant, calling the President’s cell phone or sending a text to the President’s cell phone.

这 notification of the President is in addition to other steps required by college policy, BOR policy or law. For example, the President should be notified immediately of the arrest of a student or employee as provided in this policy. 此外, procedures of the Student Conduct Code and Employee Handbook, as applicable, should 之后.