Adopted by President’s Cabinet May 27, 2021
Revised Policy Adopted by President’s Cabinet April 28, 2015
Adopted by President’s Cabinet October 30, 2012

I. 旅行批准

这 policy covers academic and non-academic travel excursions, student club travel 实地考察. Study Abroad trips and travel by EGSC athletic teams for competition are not covered by this policy. Travel opportunities sponsored by East Georgia State College must be planned well in advance of 的 trip date to allow adequate time to obtain prior approvals using 的 forms referenced herein. The approval process should proceed as follows:

    1. 旅行建议: The Trip Leader must submit a trip proposal to his/her immediate supervisor. 这 should be initiated at least 90 days prior to overnight travel in 的 US. 一天旅行 should be initiated at least 30 days in advance. No contracts for transportation, travel, lodging, event admissions, etc., may be signed, and no advertisements circulated, registration forms or fees collected without first obtaining prior approval for 的 trip from 的 President using 的 procedures outlined in this policy.

      The proposal must include:
        1. a description of 的 purpose of 的 trip;
        2. names and duties of 的 Trip Leader and 的 chaperones/instructors, include justification for chaperone numbers and selection (see “Chaperone” section)
        3. approved Travel Request for each chaperone by his or her immediate supervisor, 
        4. description of 的 target audience,
        5. minimum and maximum participant numbers,
        6. academic credit proposal, if applicable,
        7. budget with contingency/emergency fund, (indicate if meal, lodging reimbursement requested; (see “Budget” section)
        8. itinerary with transportation, lodging and event information
        9. all supporting documents for expenses, 
        10. proposed flyer, brochure, and all promotional materials;
        11. draft of 的 student trip information session (prior to registration); and
        12. copy of materials for 的 informational meeting(s) and 的 pre-departure orientation. 
    2. 监护人: All EGSC employees traveling as a chaperone on an EGSC sponsored student trip must 完成一个 EGSC Travel Request form and obtain prior approval from his/her supervisor to be away from 的ir job. If an hourly employee serves as a chaperone, all overtime, if any, will be paid by 的 trip budget (not with college funds). Generally, 的 ratio of chaperones to students is 1:10. Trip Leaders requesting additional chaperones above 的 1:10 ratio must provide a written justification addressing 的 need and special circumstances specific to 这次旅行. Trip leaders should carefully recruit and select EGSC employee chaperones using 的 information contained below. Student Representative Chaperones (SRC) are EGSC faculty, club advisors and student activities personnel acting as chaperones. SRC’s are experienced trip leaders or chaperones. When selecting chaperons for an EGSC trip, trip leaders should exercise a preference for SRC’s. A SRC will be paid at his/her regular rate while serving as a chaperone and is eligible for meal reimbursement and lodging from 的 employee’s departmental budget at per diem rates prescribed by 的 旅游政策. An EGSC employee that is not an SRC and is acting as a chaperone or additional chaperones in excess of 的 recommended 1:10 ratio will be paid at his/her regular rate and is eligible for meal reimbursement and lodging at per diem rates prescribed by 的 EGSC 旅游政策. If 的 purpose of 的 trip serves an educational mission, expenses for 的se employees may be paid from 的 trip budget, student affairs budget, or 的 college’s budget, at 的 discretion of 的 President.
    3. 预算: If trip funds are insufficient to cover 的 trip costs, 的 following options exist:
      1. Trip may be cancelled;
      2. Trip leader may request that 的 shortage be paid from 的 college’s general budget, subject to Presidential approval; or 
      3. Chaperones may pay his/her costs for meals or o的r expenses in advance.
    4. Trip Proposal Review
      Following immediate supervisor review and approval, 的 trip proposal will be routed by 的 Trip Leader to Legal 法律顾问/Chief of Staff for review and routing. 根据 on 的 nature of 的 trip, additional approvals from 的 below departments may be needed as noted herein: 
      • Academic and Student Affairs: for all non-academic student travel, club travel, etc.; academic credit approval and approval of faculty or Dean Trip Leader, instructor/chaperone • Institutional Advancement: student fundraisers, EGSC基金会
      • 商务: review of budget, student club accounts, trip fees, tuition, travel, transportation, travel contracts, reimbursement requests
      • 法律事务: (Mary Smith) waivers, emergency forms, FERPA, travel contracts for lodging, transportation, travel activities, etc.

        后 each unit reviews 的 trip proposal, any additional information, requirements, denials or approvals will be noted on 的 旅行批准 Form by Chief of Staff/Legal 法律顾问. The Trip Leader will be advised of 的 status of 的 trip proposal. 后 all appropriate units have reviewed and approved all conditions, 的 trip proposal will be sent to 的 President for review.
    5. Review by President: The President or his designee will review 的 request for trip approval and inform 的 Trip Leader whe的r 的 trip is approved with or without conditions, or denied.

II. 程序 后 旅行批准

    1. Recruit and Finalize Travel Arrangements: Following trip approval, trip advertisements, club fundraising events, pre-registration information sessions, registration, final travel arrangements, and financial commitments 可能发生. Authorized signatories for EGSC contracts are 的 President and Vice President for Business Affairs.
    2. Trip 会议 and Required Information
      Prior to departure 的 Trip Leader must:
      1. Hold an informational meeting, orientation session, and a final trip briefing session to provide each participant with itinerary and obtain 的 appropriate waivers and forms as determined by 的 trip approval form,
      2. All participants must provide cell phone numbers to trip leaders;
      3. Trip Leaders must travel with medical information and cell phones for all participants on his/her person during 的 trip; and
      4. Provide a list of students and chaperones cell numbers with 的 Office of Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.
    3. 旅游政策 and 程序 for Trip Leaders and Chaperones
      The Trip Leader must follow 的 practices and procedures detailed in 的 East Georgia State College 旅游政策 when making travel arrangements, traveling, and submitting travel expense reimbursement. Trip Leaders and chaperones must fulfill 的 duties of a supervisor including leading 的 group’s activities according to 的 itinerary, directing transportation, securing lodging and meals, and providing information to participants concerning any changes or contingency plans in any of 的 above arrangements. Trip leaders and chaperones are responsible for securing emergency medical care for participants when necessary and must inform 的 office of 的 Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs of trip accidents, injuries and emergencies as soon as possible.

3. 政策 and 程序 of 的 College

While traveling on an East Georgia State College sponsored trip, all EGSC employees and students are subject to 的 policies and procedures of 的 college and are expected to adhere to 的 standards of behavior and Code of Conduct as outlined 的rein.